A new pattern of tourism recovery is taking shape

Tourist cities have played an important role in the recovery and development of tourism. “We hope that tourist cities can learn from each other’s anti-epidemic experience, strengthen the construction of emergency rescue systems in tourist cities, explore the construction of a global tourism safety guarantee mechanism, and improve the level Read more…

Less International Students Studying in the US

Less worldwide understudies decided to learn at U.S. schools and colleges lately, as indicated by another report by Boundless, albeit that might change during the impending scholarly year. Indeed, even before the pandemic, global understudy enlistment had dropped, and in 2020, U.S. schools saw a 72% diminishing in new understudy Read more…

Can the golden period of staying in the US return?

1. Take a strong focus on international education as part of the United States’ recovery from the new crown epidemic and support fair access to international education opportunities. 2. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with countries. Continue to work together to strengthen international education cooperation. It also includes other important activities, Read more…

American international education is slowly recovering

Highlights With the popularization of vaccination, the resumption rate of overseas colleges and universities is also increasing. As the start of the new semester approaches, has the teaching situation in American universities improved this year compared to last year? In response to this problem, the Institute of International Education (IIE) Read more…

No one asked for an Instagram for Kids

What in heaven’s name would you say you are on about? Indeed, it was uncovered in March that Facebook was building up an Instagram administration for youngsters. As of now, under-13s shouldn’t utilize the photograph sharing application, albeit many lie about their age to do as such. Presently Facebook needs Read more…